Jumatano, 19 Machi 2014


The challenge that face Tanzanian Journalist increasing Every Year and the Event of violent to the Journalist is now like to the baby drink a milk in the cup morning.

That is means Press Freedom go far to the  Tanzanian Journalist and Media Houses because of bad Low from the Constitution of Tanzania that governed the all People of Tanzania to the free of Expression.

To the two Year ago there many Violent meet to Tanzanian Journalist like Dearth of Mwangosi in Iringa Region,who is a Reporter of Chanel Ten There,treble  face senior Editors Absolom Kibanda ,Taofil Makunga,Ndimara Tegambwage,Shabani Matutu and Saidi Kubenea is a number of violent that show that there  are many chalenges facing Journalist in Tanzania .

Although the constitution of Tanzania provides for freedom of speech, numerous other laws encourage self-censorship and limit the ability of the media to function effectively. Perhaps the most notorious and widely used of these laws is the 1976 Newspaper Registration Act, which empowers authorities to register or ban publications “in the interest of peace and good order.”.

 In July 2012, the Information Ministry banned the Swahili-language weekly MwanaHalisi indefinitely on vague charges of sedition and false reporting for unspecified articles and then last year that Ministry acuse Mtanzania  and Mwananchi News papers the all daily kiswahili News Papers. 

http://www.ippmedia.com...The laws governing the operations of the media during the German and British colonial administrations were drafted specifically to tame the media, reducing them to a propaganda tool of the colonial regimes.

The Germans, for instance, enacted the East Africa Newspaper Decree of 1912 to control the newspaper industry. Under this law, it was a criminal offense for journalists to participate in any event that led or amounted to violation of the law.

The advent of the British in Tanganyika did not change the role of the media for, which was essentially to serve the interests of the colonial masters.

The Penal Code of 1920 and the Newspaper Ordinance of 1928, pieces of legislation governing the media during British rule, criminalize the publication of false or alarmist statements likely to subject the public to fear.

Founding President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere is among the Tanganyika subjected to this draconian law when, in his titular capacity as editor of Sauti ya Tanu (Voice of Tanu) newspaper, he was charged with sedition in 1958.

He was found guilty and sentenced to six months in jail or a fine of 150 pound sterling. He paid the fine. A number of other local journalists were later also charged with sedition.

After independence some provisions of these colonial laws were retained on the statute books or altogether new but still unfriendly media laws were enacted altogether.

In general the legal regime is not all that friendly to the media in Tanzania. The government has continued to adopt policies and make laws that make the work of journalists and media outlets difficult.

The media will never be free from the clutches of the government, the laws imposed on the media are strict and makes it practically impossible for journalists in Tanzania because they face big

Jumanne, 18 Machi 2014



We are geting more new things and am proud to say a will be a new Journalist after finish this program .
To this day no  anything bad  to me,the all program going well.
After the end of the program i will  be a one of the group of internet profession

To the people of Kenya and many Country in the wold when you talk about Big Politician in Kenya country  you can not talk about Peter Anyang' Nyong'o,the General Secretary Of Orange Democratic Movement .

http://en.wikipedia.org/..Peter Anyang Nyong'o is a 1995 German -African Awarded  man for his movement to the Kenyan in the Movement of liberation and now is a Senetor at Kenya.

In the wold of film industry if you talk about Nyong'o every one going to the  Lupita Nyong'o the Doughter of Peter Anyang' Nyong'o she is now a big actress in the wold ,and few days ago awarded the Golden Globe Award for the best supporting actress.

Lupita 31 years old height of 1.65m was born Mexico City 1983 where her family is there ,becouse Mr. Peter Anyang Nyong'o working as a Recturel in political Science there ,after16 years  the all family return to Kenya and her Father join again to the movement of Politician up to now.

They are Family now is Happy becouse after Father make history in 1995 and on this year again Doughter take a big Award and make another Family history of Award from Father to Doughter.

To the Kenyan  country now awarded expanded From Athletic to the industry of actress and Modle in The Wold and make Kenyan big  Headline in the Wold.
Na Mtaalam Siwayombe.

Ile hadithi ya kufikirika iliyoanzishwa na shirikisho la Kandanda hapa nchini [TFF] ya kuanzia safari ya kuelekea fainali za mataifa huru ya Afrika nchini Moroco hapo mwakani inazidikushika kasi baada ya jana Msemaji wa kuajiriwa wa taasisi hiyo kubwa inayosimamia soka la nchi hii kutangaza majina ya vijana 36 ambao watawekwa kambini katika mji wa Tukuyu Mkoani Mbeya kujiandaa na safari ya kuelekea Uholanzi kwa ajili ya mafunzo rasmi ya miezi mitatu kabla ya kuanza kampeni ya kusaka nafasi ya kufuzu kwa fainali za Moroco hapo mwakani.
Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo ya Bonifac Wambura ni kuwa umri wa vijana hao ni miaka 21 hivyo kutoa nafasi ya kudumnu katika kikosi hicho kwa muda mrefu kama viwango vyao havitatetereka.
Bado maswali yanazidi kuwa mengi kwa wadau wa soka hapa nchi juu ya mpango huo kufanikiwa kutokana na aina ya mfumo uliotumika kuwapata vijana hao kutokana na kutojulikana chimbuko la vijana hao katika soka limetokea wapi hivyo kuzua hiofu juu ya muda mfupi wa kambi kama utatoa majibu sahihi ya kilichokusudiwa.
Kila mwanamichezo hususani mchezo wa mpira wa miguu ana wajibu wa kutafakari hilo kwa makini kutokana na misingi ya soka kuwa wazi na njia zake za mafanikio kujulikana na hivyo kila mmoja ajiulize kama nchi tumezingatia njia hizo kwa usahihi ili kufikia mafanikio tunayoyahitaji?
Sote kwa pamoja tukae tusubiri wataalam walioamua kutupitisha katika njia hiyo ya mkato kama itatoa matunda yanayotarajiwa.
kwa leo ni hayo tu.

Jumatatu, 17 Machi 2014


iam lean more new things to the one day program that can not know before.
the  good thinks is facilitator  be a flexible to us.
The bad is the time is very short to us for leaning  many thing from facilitator
i like the simple language from the facilitator and ather participant
         IN ARUSHA........
Iam Ramadhani Siwayombe Journalist .

am Working to Tanzania Daima News Papers as a Reporter.

 This Week am in training ,Investigative Internet Journalism at UCC Sumit Center  Arusha

My Expectation from the Training  is to increase my skils about investigative Journalism throw Internet and to get more idear from another participant by shearing together